2003: Creepy Little Weirdo

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Read after Blood Moon 004.

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Point of View: Sandra
Featured Characters: Sandra Hollinger, Jeremy Hollinger, Julian Hollinger
Word Count: 614

Sandra and Jeremy discuss their strange daughter.

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“She’s talking to invisible things again.”

“Children will do that, Sandra.”

“I mean real things, you sarcastic ass.”

Sandra Hollinger glanced over the patio table to frown at her husband, who didn’t even bother to look up from his book. She shifted uncomfortably in her seat, resuming her watching of their daughter. Julian wandered around the small backyard occasionally stopping to chat with only god knew what and ever so often picking up absolutely nothing to drop in to her basket. Really, it could have easily been innocent child imaginary play, but Sandra knew her babygirl’s expressions very well. There was a difference between imaginary tales and something that was actually right there.

“She’s a little weird.” she continued. “Weird even by your family’s standards.”

His response was a shrug of his shoulders. “That’s probably your fault. I just gave you the genetics, you’re the one that said yes to Lucifer and accepted his soul in to our unborn child.”

“What! You- Oooh.” she hissed and huffed, sliding down low in her chair as she crossed her arms over her chest. The action was childish for a woman in her forties and strangely endearing. It was probably why Jeremy found it completely impossible to temper the smirk that was trying to escape.

“Your father watched her the other day, and not two minutes after I got home he shoved her at me and bolted for the door. I’ve never seen that man afraid of anything.” she finally added, when she was done simmering.

Jeremy snorted. “My father is an ancient old windbag that still believes in old prophecies, curses, and shitty family legends.”

Their conversation was interrupted when Julian came bounding over, holding up her basket for Sandra to see. “Look Mummy! They’re cuuuute, can I keep them?”

Sandra blinked down, seeing nothing but an empty basket with a few pieces of unwrapped candy rolling around inside. “I’m not sure, baby, are they ghosts?”

“Ghosts wouldn’t fit in a basket.” Jeremy offered helpfully, earning a fast glare and roll of eyes from Sandra.

Julian just giggled. “Not ghosts, they’re shadows. I found bunches.”

For the first time Jeremy actually looked up from his book, a peculiar expression across his face. He leaned over to take a look in the basket too. “Shadows? Just how many shadows are there?”

Julian eyeballed her basket-full first, then took a glance over her shoulder. “Um. Lots. Bazillions and trillions and hundreds. They like me! I want to keep them?” That’s about when the big hazel eyes and the pouting started.

“I suppose if there’s room for them…” Sandra started, a little unsure. “But I don’t know what we’re supposed to feed them.”

“Grill cheese sammiches.” Julian answered without missing a beat. “Grill cheese sammiches and sprinkles. I’m gonna put them in my room!” She skipped on to the back door, closing it softly behind her.

There was a long moment of silence before Jeremy spoke again.

“Whelp. We’re fucked.”

Sandra froze in alarm. “What do you mean?”

“You just told our creepy little weirdo she could take her basket full of demons in to our house. Do you know how many grilled cheese sandwiches a single demon can eat?”

OH!” That turned out to be the last straw for Sandra Hollinger as she leapt up from her chair, snatched up the cushion off the seat and started wailing on her husband. His book hit the deck as he threw up his arms in defense, and his baritone laughter could be well heard down the street.

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