2003: Haunted Shoes

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Read after Black Sun

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Point of View: Narrator
Featured Characters: Jeremy Hollinger Senior, Julian Hollinger
Word Count: 695

Grandpa and granddaughter having an interesting day at the thrift shop.


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[pms-restrict subscription_plans=”1974,2526,2538,2539,2540,2541,2542″] “I FOUND HAUNTED SHOOOOOOES!”

A tiny little voice squealed across the thrift shop. The toes of the offending shoes could just barely be seen waving back and forth behind a clothing rack. An elderly gentleman with dark grey curls scoffed and merely resumed shoving around the dusty old books in a bin he was currently searching.

Nearby, a woman chimed in with amusement. “She must have quite the imagination. Is she your granddaughter?”

He snorted in response, glancing up from the bin to watch the shoes migrate their way across the store. “Nope. I snatched her out of a backyard a few days ago and plan to sacrifice her to Hestia.”

The woman turned pale as a sheet, nearly stumbling in to a display shelf as she backed away and made a hurried exit out of the shop.

Granpa!” the little girl chided, stomping her foot as she rest two shoe covered hands on her hips. “Don’t be mean to old ladies!”

Grandpa Hollinger tapped his finger to his nose before he wagged it at the girl. “We have to keep witches on their toes, or they start thinking they can do very naughty things. Now let me see those shoes.”

Once the shoes were slapped in to his waiting hands, he sat down on a nearby bench to give them a good look over. More surprisingly, he tugged off his own shoes so he could try them on and was quite smug when they were a perfect fit.

“He doesn’t want you wearing his shoes, Granpa.” complained the little hazel eyed girl again.

“Then he should’ve been buried in them, Julian.”

“Daddy says you shouldn’t antietagflies ghosts cause they like to break stuff.” she explained with a wrinkling of her nose.

He scoffed. “Antagonize. And he is correct. The trouble is that most people don’t know there IS a ghost, let alone what antagonizes them. Which is why weeee…”

“Touch dead people’s stuff and find the bad things!” Julian shouted, throwing her arms up in the arm as she spun around and took off to resume her searching.

That wasn’t quite what he was getting at, but it was close enough. While she disappeared in to rows of shelves, Jeremy Hollinger Senior sat quietly in his haunted shoes. He listened with a tilt of his head and his hands clasped over his lap. Ever so often he’d nod or grunt, and for him that was all that was necessary.

By the time Julian reappeared, he had already pulled off the shoes and was in the middle of slipping his own back on.

“I found a bad thing.” she spoke gravely. When he glanced up, Julian was holding a taxidermy fox that was nearly as big as she was.

He simply shook his head. “There’s nothing wrong with that fox, go try again.”

Julian frowned. “He’s STUFFED. It’s creepy.”

“Julian, it’s dead. There’s no soul there anymore.”

That’s when those eyes went wide and teary. “But you can’t keep dead bodies around, that’s how you get zombies! How can he sleep like this!”

Her grandpa did not seem to know how to answer this. …well, he did. But not in ways a small child was going to understand, and if he admitted it to himself, it was more likely he was just a tiny bit weak to her ever increasing tearful and pouting face. For nearly five minutes there was a silent battle of wills. Jeremy Senior trying to look impassive and impress on this girl that the fox was gone and Julian’s stubborn biting in to her lip and refusal to let the beast go.

“Oh, alright, then. What do you want to do about it?” he finally said, conceding to her victory.

“We can take him to the woods and have a funeral fire?” she offered hopefully.

With a resigned sigh, he nodded. “Fine, fine. But we’re not telling your father we did this nonsense. Understand?”

Julian smiled wide and nodded.

They left the shop with a pair of haunted shoes and a taxidermy fox.[/pms-restrict]

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