Julian Hollinger

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Birthday: July 18th, 1998—Cancer

Favorite Color: Purple

Likes: Dancing, going for long walks, music, strawberries, spaghetti, violets, roses, romantic comedies, good stories.

Dislikes: Dolls, the dark, horror movies, math, snakes, zombies, pretending to swim because she can’t.

Order at Fleetwood Macchiato: Mocha Move On Me Cappuccino and a side of Rolling Scones.

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There’s something about Julian. No one can ever quite pinpoint what it is. Maybe it’s the way she seems to know things without being told. It could be the way she stares at thin air as if there’s something only she can see. People are either instantly comfortable with her, safe and secure… or they find her incredibly creepy and unsettling.

Despite her eccentricities, Julian is a pretty typical teenage girl. She enjoys spending time with people, and is kind and friendly to everyone she meets—albeit with a teasing, sarcastic sense of humor. Julian accepts people for who they are without judgement and genuinely cares about the lives of everyone in her social circle. Sometimes she cares a little too much; she’ll get herself into trouble on the behalf of others. That may be why all the bold, obnoxious assholes in her life border on the over-protective.

A little under a year ago, Julian’s parents went missing. She spent some time with a foster family before being allowed to live as an emancipated teen. It’s been a rough year, but she’s trying to get back to normal again.

[/et_pb_text][et_pb_text admin_label=”School/Career” background_layout=”dark” text_orientation=”justified” use_border_color=”off” border_color=”#ffffff” border_style=”solid” custom_padding=”10px|10px|10px|10px” background_color=”rgba(0,0,0,0.69)”]

Julian is sixteen and a junior at Silent Pines High School. She used to be a baton twirler in Color Guard, but chose to avoid extracurricular activities this year. Her grades average at C’s and B’s with her lowest scores in Geometry due to issues with Mr. Cragg and just being abysmal at the subject. After school she attends an occasional dance class just for fun. She’s daydreamed about teaching at a dance school for as long as she can remember.

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Her friends are the most important thing in her life and Julian is incredibly attached to them. Angela Mercy is her best friend, the blonde having claimed her in Kindergarten. The pair has been inseparable since. Her second-closest friends are Owen DeWhitt and Margrit Berkshire, the two people she’s known since they were all babies. She is also fond of the Whelans, Caleb as a protective older brother and Silvia as her silly little sister.

Julian knew the day she (literally) ran in to Michael that he was something special. She feels a connection to him that she never can quite explain. Meanwhile, his cousin Leo has been a never ending source of vexation; no matter how hard she tries to ignore him, he still manages to antagonize her and get under her skin.

Once upon a time, Julian’s parents were her world- especially her Dad, Jeremy Hollinger. She fell apart after they went missing and she hasn’t quite been herself since.

Then there’s Ray. What can you say about Lord Raymond Beantuft? He’s a black and white fluffy cat with the ugliest face anyone has ever seen, but Julian adores him and will defend him to the death.


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