Category: News

  • And now for Wolves rough draft 3!

    After a long, agonizing wait for our readers, we’ve finally released the public rough draft chapter 3 of Setting Fire! Why did that take so long? Well, Lexi ruins everything. With every new chapter of Wolves you’ll find out why. What have we been doing the past few months? EDITING. While beta readers are blessed…

  • Editing is a fun process!

    Greetings fledgling readers! Due to some unforeseen life chaos, our official public launch has been delayed by quite a bit. That doesn’t mean we haven’t been writing and editing though! It’s been so much fun getting feedback from our beta readers and we’ve been putting their commentary to good use in our editing. This morning…

  • It all started with binge-watching Netflix…

    This update is nothing more than an excuse to test out our news section, but since I know so many snoopy people are already here… Hi. Welcome to Silent Pines. This is a series of novels by Erik and Diana. We’re just a couple of dorks who love fiction and writing. As it turns out,…